United Against Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine!

The Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in South West Asia and North Africa (WHRDMENA) stands in solidarity with the Palestinian nation against the genocidal policies of Israel and the irresponsible statements of the governments of the United States and the European Union which amount to a blanket approval of the unrestrained use of force against the blockaded civilian population of Gaza.
We call upon international mandate holders, defenders of human rights, and all people of conscience to immediately and unequivocally call upon the occupying forces to halt the indiscriminate targeting of civilians which amounts to a pre-meditated and systemic ethnic cleansing of Gaza of its native Palestinian population.
WHRDMENA reiterates the well established premise that there can be no peace without justice, and no justice without the end of the illegal occupation of Palestine by the racist Israeli state which alone bears responsibility for the ongoing violence and loss of life.
We remind the international community of the well-established legality of the right to self-determination, which is the pillar upon which the system of international law rests, and the absence of which precludes any protection of basic human rights.
We therefore reaffirm that defending the human rights of all necessarily includes supporting the struggle for liberation by all colonized people and the end of all colonial systems of rule in SWANA and around the world, beginning with Palestine.
We vehemently condemn the 75-year-long unabated dehumanization of Palestinians, which today manifests in the despicable international cover for Israeli war crimes against a hostage population. We understand the roots of today’s violence to be the worsening deprivation of generations of Palestinians of the rights to life, liberty, security, the right to work, the right to live free from discrimination, the right to freedom of movement and residence within their borders, and the right to return to their homeland.
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and we join our voice with those who work and dream for the end of the Apartheid regime, and towards the dismantling of racist structures of oppression everywhere.
We call on all our allies, partners and sisters in the struggle to defend the human rights of all to raise their voices now, against the war of extermination against the Palestinian population of Gaza, before it is once again too late.