
This year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, we continue to participate in the #16DaysOfActivism against gender-based violence.

Today, we launch the #SheDefends campaign in order to shed light on concepts related to wellbeing, healing and recovery, as an aspect of working on and defending human rights in our region. The campaign will publish content inspired from and based on conversations with the members WHRDMENA Coalition. Those conversations helped us explore what wellbeing and recovery means for us, where we stand around it, and how we perceive it in our countries based on our diverse experiences.

As the WHRDMENA Coalition, we recognize wellbeing as a time off AND part of the struggle and fight. It is a separate, independent activity, and yet, at the same time, it is part of our work strategies in small, large formal, informal collectives and organizations. We understand wellbeing as a concept that exemplifies how WHRDs’ struggles are both personal and political.

We thank our members who have shared intimate and personal experiences, narratives, and emotions. To the members, you are the Coalition’s beacon and lighthouse. 

The Secretariat 


Day 1: What do we mean by wellbeing? What do we mean by recovery?