


Marwa Arafa is arbitrarily detained since the raid on her house in the evening of 20 April 2020, where her house was raided and she was arrested after her house was searched, without the presence of a permit or authorization from the concerned body. Marwa appeared 14 days later on 4 May 2020 at the National Security Prosecution, where she was interrogated in Case no. 570 of 2020, where a warrant for her arrest was present, in addition to an investigative memo. Marwa is charged with joining a terrorist organization and knowing its objectives and committing a funding crime.

Marwa helped families affected by the incarceration of their providers, and the help she presented was seasonal, consisting of sustenance supplies, study material and medication for families, as a form of humanitarian support.

Marwa exceeded the legal duration of detention on remand, namely 2 years, and is kept away from her daughter who is a child who has not turned 3 years old.

