Timeline for Egyptian Feminist and Filmmaker Salma El-Tarzi Case
Less than Two days until Egyptian feminist and filmmaker Salma El Tarzi goes to her appeal hearing on the verdict against her in the case filed against her by Egyptian film director Islam Azazi for her solidarity with victims and survivors of sexual violence!
Join us in our deliberate disturbance during the next 48 hours, use the following hashtags:
#WeDeliberatelyDisturb #نتعمد_الإزعاج
#FeministSolidarityIsNotACrime #التضامن_النسوي_مش_جريمة
#InSolidarityWithSalmaElTarzi #متضامنة_مع_سلمى_الطرزي
For more information⇒ «The judicial targeting of human and women’s rights defender Salma El-Tarzi for solidarity with victims of sexual violence»